Feb 6, 2020
Music Accelerates Brain Development
Many parents often ask me for music class recommendation because most young children enjoy music and moving to it. Stimulating a child’s...
Daisy Ng
Mar 30, 2018
The Reading War
The Reading Wars For the past couple of decades, phonics has become an increasingly popular method of teaching a child how to read. We...
Mar 5, 2018
Childhood Anti-social Behavior Into Adulthood
Childhood Anti-social Behavior Into Adulthood Childhood biting usually begins in Toddlerhood and often arises for the following reasons:...
Feb 6, 2018
Mastering Mandarin (or any language for that matter)
Recently I read a mom's remark on a forum regarding the importance of learning mandarin young, and that the child can always pick up...
Daisy Ng
Nov 10, 2017
The Importance Of Circle Time In Preschools
The Importance Of Circle Time Recently, we conducted a survey among our Publika and Verve parents regarding an extension of operation...